My Art Books

is a bit philosophical and instructional in nature. It is mostly concerned with developing confidence in yourself as an artist and growing confident in your drawing abilities and artistic skills. Drawing is simply a skill and you can learn it if you choose to.
Being an artist is simply a way of living your life. Naming and claiming yourself as an artist and working seriously and independently to develop the skills required, is a fundamental rite of passage for those of us who want an authentic and genuine relationship with the artist archetype. Only you know if you are one of those people. Mostly nobody else knows or even cares. If you want to connect or re-connect with your artistic self and your love of drawing, then this little book is written for you. Available on Amazon.
is more of a coffee-table book available in both hard cover and soft cover. It is a selection of poems and paintings created over 40 years of my own life. I used to argue with myself wondering if I was a painter that wrote poetry, or a poet that painted. Somewhere along the road, I finally named and claimed both of these endeavors equally as my own. That was a happy acceptance.
This book is full of images created with both words and watercolors. I find very many people who love poetry, also write poetry. Therefore, I invite all the kindred spirits of writers and painters as well as all those people who simply enjoy reading and seeing the work of another human, to join me within the pages of this legacy book. Or order from me for a better deal. Not available on amazon.
More Books

"On Becoming Me -
How I Got This Way"
This book is my auto biography. It is 387 pages, and tells my story from growing up in the Mid-West to my career as an artist. Much has happened since I wrote it, in 2018. The book speaks about persistence rather than talent. I do believe persistence pays. Available on Amazon.

"On Becoming Me -
How I Got This Way"
This book is my auto biography. It is 387 pages, and tells my story from growing up in the Mid-West to my career as an artist. Much has happened since I wrote it, in 2018. The book speaks about persistence rather than talent. I do believe persistence pays. Available on Amazon.
Books For Children

Her Family and Friends"
Elsie Mae is a real live elephant seal. She is a favorite character on Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands off the coast of Washington. Elsie Mae has captured the hearts of locals and visitors alike, which includes me. The human characters are fictitious, but the animals are real. This book talks about the marvel of instincts and how many animals can imprint with humans. The book is for young readers, is educational on many levels, and hopes to instill family values and a love of nature. Available on Amazon.

A Child's Book Of Limericks"
Tic-Tac-Toe is a book for children of all ages and is especially fun to read out-loud to a child at bed-time. It's full of animal characters of all shapes and sizes in completely unrealistic circumstances. It stretchs their imagination. This is me at play with words and little black and white illustration. It's 101 pages of fun. Available on Amazon.